Attorney Biography
Born 1954 Florence, Alabama Education: Milligan College, Milligan College, Tennessee (1973 – 1974) University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee (1974 – 1979) UTK – Bachelor Science Business Administration – BS – 1976 UTK – Master Business Administration – MBA – 1979 UTK – Doctor Jurisprudence – JD – 1979 Legal practice for 30+ years (1980 to present) Mason Law Office, Kingsport TN Concentration in Labor and Employment Law Representative Cases: Chandler v. Specialty Tires (1999 – 2007) United States District Court, Eastern District of Tennessee, Greeneville; Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, Cincinnati, Ohio; Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA); Tennessee Handicap Act (THA); FMLA jury verdict and Sixth Circuit THA decision. Fort v. Tennessee Commerce Bank (2008 – 2010) United States District Court, Middle District Tennessee, Nashville and Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, Cincinnati, Ohio and United States Department of Labor SOX Administrative Claim; successful whistleblower; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act (FDICIA); Sarbanes- Oxley Act (SOX); Tennessee Public Protection Act (TPPA). Hickerson v. Greeneville City Schools (2012 – 2014) Greene County Chancery Court; Tennessee Tenured Teacher Act; successfully represented terminated special education teacher; Court ordered reinstatement with back pay. TRIAL PRACTICE in all courts, state and federal, and all administrative forums; practice includes personal injury; discrimination law – age, race, sex, handicap, religion and national origin; Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA); Fair Labor Standards Act (Wage and Hour Law); Unemployment Compensation; Unjust Dismissal; Workers’ Compensation (job injury); Social Security Disability; Employment Contracts; Union/Management Labor Practice; Contract Negotiation; Arbitration and related areas of Labor Law; Civil Mediation and Arbitration Practice; Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Mediation Practice.