Attorney Biography
I am the managing attorney of Austin Legal Services, PLC located in Lansing, MI. My primary focus is on the following areas of law:
Criminal defense– felonies and misdemeanors for adults and juveniles
DUI/OWI– drunk driving offenses
Driver’s License Restorations and Appeals– if you have lost your driving privileges, we can help you get them back
Probation Violations
Sex Offender Registry Removal– If you have been placed on SORA, we can determine if you are eligible to petition the court to be removed from the list.
Drug Crimes– includes marijuana use and possession, possession of cocaine, heroin, analogues and other controlled substances, possession with intent to deliver (drug dealing), and operating a drug house.
Minor in Possession of Alcohol (MIP)
Theft Crimes– such as larceny, larceny from a motor vehicle, larceny from a building, unlawful driving away of an automobile, retail fraud (shoplifting)
Assualt Crimes– including assualt and battery, domestic violence, felonious assualt, assualt with intent to do great bodily harm, and child abuse
Wepons Charges– crimes involving guns, knives, and other weapons such as felony firearm, felon in possession of a firearm, carrying a concealed weapon
Sex Crimes– Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC), rape, molestation
Family Law:
Uncontested Divorce
Relative and Step-parent Adoption
Child Custody
Wills & Estate Planning
Basic wills
Healthcare Directives
Powers of Attorney
Contact Jared C Austin
Austin Legal Services, PLC
909 N. Washington Ave.
Lansing, MI 48906